We are specialized in negotiating partnerships as well as commercial deals, in providing peaceful resolution for disputes and in International Arbitration. Regarding this latter, we legally represent the foreign partners in front of the national companies, the national Court and the International Commerce Chambers, in accordance with the established legal procedures as stated by the international law and the UNCITRAL, in order to get quick resolutions for the different disputes with lowest costs.
Plus, the International Arbitration regulations are considered as the fastest and the best legal mean, to guarantee the satisfaction of the foreign client and spare him the prolonged procedures taken during disputes resolutions (to avoid the different long procedures that are taken by the national courts), in order to resolve the disputes in the best ways and conditions.
Moreover, we are qualified to represent our client in five (05) International Commerce Chambers that located in London, Paris, Dubai, Turkey and New York, as well as their affiliated countries that are territorially competent in case of conflict.